
"United Christian College Limited" is one of the charitable institutions and trusts of a public character exempted from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance. File number: 91/1046 (as of November 2021)

Donate Now. Make a Difference
Your help will have a significant impact on our project.

支持和捐獻/Support and Donate

以最方便您的方式捐款 /Make a donation with your most preferred method:

一、支票捐款/Donate by Cheque

以劃線⽀票付款,抬頭請寫「滙基書院有限公司」或「United Christian College Limited」。請連同通訊地址及聯絡資料寄回:香港九⿓⼤坑東棠蔭街11 號⼀樓校務處。

Make a cheque payable to the “United Christian College Limited” and mail to “1/F General Office, United Christian College, 11 Tong Yam Street, Tai Hang Tung, Kowloon” with your address and contact information.

二、銀行戶口捐款/Donate by Direct transfer to the bank account

將款項存入本會滙豐銀行戶口,將存款單連同通訊地址及聯絡資料寄回:香港九⿓⼤坑東棠蔭街11 號一樓校務處。港幣100元以上可作免稅用途

Direct transfer your donation to the following HSBC bank account through bank teller / ATM electronic teller machines / internet banking platform. Then mail us your original bank pay-in-slip, address and contact information to “1/F General Office, United Christian College, 11 Tong Yam Street, Tai Hang Tung, Kowloon”. Donations of HK$100 or above are tax-deductible.


Faster Payment System (FPS) ID:167324995


Donation account (HSBC):458-003753-001

三、網上捐款/Donate Online


Donate online by using credit card, PayMe or Octopus on our website. All transactions are processed with online encryption to ensure your payment security.

捐款性質/Nature of donation

一次性質捐款/One-off donation

* 必填項目/Mandatory

每年累計捐款港幣100元或以上,可憑收據在香港申請免稅/Tax-deductible receipt applicable in Hong Kong will be issued for donations of HK$100 or above.

收據發送/Preference in receiving the official receipt:

與滙基的關係 / Affiliation with UCC

您想在未來收到有關搬遷項目的信息和相關的UCC新聞嗎 /Would you like to receive information about the relocation project and relevant UCC news in the future?



Personal Information Collection Statement: "United Christian College Limited" undertakes to comply with the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to ensure that personal data obtained are accurate and securely kept. To safeguard the interest of our data subject, "United Christian College Limited" collects personal data from you for the purposes of administration, receipt issuing and other promotion activities (as defined below).

"United Christian College Limited" may use the personal data you provided (including your name and contact details) for the purposes of providing you with information on "United Christian College Limited" donation follow-up, communications & promotion activities. Your personal data may be provided to a third-party service provider (outside "United Christian College Limited") who provides data handling for administration and marketing purposes. However, we will not use your personal data unless we have received your consent. Upon your request at any time and at no charge, we will cease to use your personal data for promotion purposes. Please contact us at 27778344 for enquiry or any updating of your personal data.

為方便發出捐款收據,請把存款收據/成功過數的頁面截圖,電郵至 [email protected]、Whatsapp 96787012、傳真 27882116 或寄回本校。

如需瀏覽本校網站,請登入 www.ucc.edu.hk
To facilitate the issue of the official receipt, please take a screenshot of your donation receipt or bank transfer and email to [email protected], Whatsapp 96787012, fax 27882116, or mail it to us.

To visit our school website, please go to www.ucc.edu.hk.